Automated ticket distribution

Automated ticket distribution

Offering new features in our system to add value to your business is part of Milvus’ mission. In Update 47, we’ve included the feature of automated ticket distribution for logged operators into the dashboard.

During the process of creating or editing desktops, a field was implemented for random assignment or average utilization method. In random assignment, a ticket is randomly distributed to any operator with online status on the dashboard via desktop portal. With the average utilization method, a ticket is assigned to an operator with the lowest number of tickets. Finally, non-automated distribution disables this feature. This improvement was implemented to create a continuous and balanced flow of requests to operators available for service.

Note: The distribution rule only considers operators that have logged in via desktop during office hours. If a ticket is created outside business hours, it’s won’t be generated by an agent.

In addition to the automated ticket distribution, this update has other new features to optimize your IT management and customer service. See more in the Update 47 section of Milvus blog!

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