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Configuring personalized hours for chat queues

Configuring personalized hours for chat queues

Milvus success relies on the success of our partners. That’s why we develop new features every month that drive everyone’s growth. With this new feature in April, now you can configure personalized hours for chat queues.

Therefore, in the new system menu, under Registration -> Working hours, the customer will be able to personalize the working hours for chat queues (on Milvus Chat, WhatsApp, and Telegram).

Different working hours can be configured for service, without the limited standard working hours of the company. This new feature ensures flexibility to serve your customers.

Standard working hours will be generated for customers that are automatically linked with existing chats and queues. But you can also create as many new working hours as you want and link them with your service queues.

When a queue is selected, the system will inform you that the business is closed. However, it is still possible to select another service queue that is within working hours.

This is just one of several system improvements Milvus has developed. Check this month’s new features in “April’s news” on Milvus blog!

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