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General search filter in ticket list and “Enter” function in search filter

General search filter in ticket list and “Enter” function in search filter

Milvus seeks excellence as one of its pillars. As part of this strategy we deliver innovative features every month to provide the best experience to our partners. Among the new functionalities in April, we highlight the general search filter in ticket list and “Enter” function in search filters.

The “Ticket” filter was removed from the ticket list and now a “general search filter” is available. You can use it to find any information related to: 

Another new feature is that users can now use the “Enter” key to confirm the search after typing. It can be used not only with this filter, but in all system filters that are text boxes. However, this feature doesn’t work with filters when the system offers the option to confirm by clicking a button). With this new implementation, search for data is faster. Also, filters are in Kanban view. 

This is just one of several system improvements Milvus has developed. Check this month’s new features in “April’s news” on Milvus blog!

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