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Integration with the official WhatsApp API

Integration with the official WhatsApp API

Milvus releases monthly system updates, with several improvements to our partners. In this Update 50, a new feature ensures integration with the official WhatsApp API.

With this functionality, Milvus provides a stable and fast connection between operators and customers, ensuring fluid communication. Therefore, when registering WhatsApp through Milvus, select “Meta” integration type and then fill in the token and ID fields required for integration.

Note: The process of registering, configuring, and validating the number with Meta is performed externally by the customer. Therefore, prior knowledge of the procedure to link the Meta account and the number is required. Also, billing for the API service is made directly by Meta during this process.

Try now and see all benefits of the integration with the official WhatsApp API on Milvus comprehensive omnichannel platform!

Check this month’s new features in the Update 50 section of Milvus blog!

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