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Mandatory selection of subcategories in tickets

In this Update 46, we’ve introduced the mandatory selection of subcategories in tickets. Read more about the Milvus update.

Milvus offers new features every month, adding value to our partners at each delivery. In this Update 46, we’ve introduced the mandatory selection of subcategories in tickets.

With changes to the category structure to allow sublevels, the system allowed users to select only the main category of tickets, with an impact on ticket closure. If the customer configured mandatory categories, when filling in the primary category, the field was filled. This way, it was not necessary to fill in the subcategory due to its tree view.

In this new version, the customer can choose whether to make the selection of a category sublevel mandatory or not, whether for creating or closing a ticket.

If mandatory field is enabled, an error message will be displayed requiring mandatory fields need to be filled in. 

Check this month’s new features in the Update 46 section of Milvus blog!

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