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New rule for Standard Customer in tickets via email

New rule for Standard Customer in tickets via email

Every month, Milvus provides system updates that help our customers stand out from the competition and increase their performance. The new features offered this month include the new rule for Standard Customer in tickets via email.

With this new option in the mailbox configuration for new tickets, you can forward an inbox email to a specific customer of your dashboard. In order words, emails sent to your mailbox that are not linked with any of your customers on your dashboard are automatically opened and forwarded to a specific customer.

This way, the ticket will not be stuck in the “retained tickets” menu. Also, the system will automatically register the contact who sent the email.

This new rule for Standard Customer in tickets via email is just one of several system improvements Milvus has developed. Check this month’s new features in “April’s news” on Milvus blog!

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