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Operator status dashboard

Operator status dashboard

Milvus releases system updates every month, with new features designed to be your company’s differentiators and improve your management. This Update 52 offers the operator status dashboard.

You can access it in “Service channels” -> “Operator status” to have a better control and visibility of your operator status and increase the efficiency of your chat support service.

On this dashboard, the status of operators is displayed as “Online” and “Offline.” Also, you can check whether they are available for chat support by viewing the chat icon on their respective card.

Besides the functionalities above, you can filter data by desktop and/or service queue. Suggestion: the dashboard can also be used in the TV mode.

Access your Milvus portal and use the operator status dashboard of Milvus comprehensive omnichannel platform!

Check this month’s new features in the Update 52 section of Milvus blog!

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