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Records of hours spent with ticket calls

Records of hours spent with ticket calls

Milvus offers new features every month, adding value to our partners at each delivery. In this Update 52, we’ve introduced the feature of records of hours spent with ticket calls.

Now operators that use VoIP integration on their dashboards will be able to record the hours spent with ticket calls, providing a better control of the time spent with the service.

These records can be automated by configuring your telephony integration. To do this, go to “Configurations -> Integration” and enable “Record call time of a ticket.”

Also, the time can be seen in the system monitoring reports (Ticket Interaction Report), as “Call” records in the service column.

Access Milvus portal and see all benefits of the records of hours spent with ticket calls!

Check this month’s new features in the Update 52 section of Milvus blog!

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