WhatsApp service system – your ally to improve customer experience

WhatsApp service system can help companies keep close contact with their customers. And the results of this relationship are positive in the short, medium, and long term.  Read this article and see how a WhatsApp service tool can improve your team efficiency and business profits!

WhatsApp service system can help companies keep close contact with their customers. And the results of this relationship are positive in the short, medium, and long term. 

Read this article and see how a WhatsApp service tool can improve your team efficiency and business profits!

What is WhatsApp service system?

WhatsApp service system centralizes and organizes customer requests received through this channel. It’s an easy method to contact a company, whether to ask questions or make complaints and requests. 

It’s especially useful considering that WhatsApp is one of the most common messaging apps worldwide, with more than 169 million users only in Brazil. In other words, offering this contact option to consumers can promote stronger connections. 

Also, this app organizes customer requests, improving demand management. This way, it allows companies to communicate with customers in a fast, convenient, and personalized manner.

In the case of Milvus, for example, this benefit is complemented by several advanced features, which help prioritize demands, calculate the number of hours spent on each service, and track performance metrics. 

As a result, companies do not only manage customer interactions efficiently, but also receive valuable insights about service performance, allowing them to optimize resources and improve customer satisfaction.

How to set up a WhatsApp call center?

In order to set up a WhatsApp call center, first choose a robust platform. It must offer features that centralize and organize all customer requests. 

Then, consider the following basic steps for implementing a WhatsApp system for businesses:

  1. Set up a WhatsApp Business account and integrate it with a specialized customer service solution, such as Milvus. This way, multiple agents can use the app simultaneously and all conversations can be managed using a single interface;
  2. Set up chatbots to automatically answer frequently asked questions and customize the answers according to the customer’s needs;
  3. Define service priorities and estimate the time spent on each interaction; 
  4. Track performance metrics and ensure that all requests are handled efficiently and effectively;
  5. Train staff for optimized use of the platform, ensuring fast high-quality service;
  6. Use resources such as the official WhatsApp API to implement simple and fast satisfaction surveys.

Main benefits of using the WhatsApp service system

  1. Increased customer satisfaction

One of the main advantages of the WhatsApp service platform is its convenience. After all, most people use WhatsApp on a daily basis, so customers don’t have to learn how to use a new app or system in order to contact the company.

Also, messages are sent and received instantly, which makes communication more dynamic, not to mention its benefit of creating a history of interactions. 

In the case of Milvus, the WhatsApp platform also supports advanced features, such as interactive buttons for easy and fast collection of customer feedback, which further improves the customer experience.

  1. Improved team efficiency

With all interactions concentrated on a single platform, the team routine becomes more productive and organized, allowing efficient contact management and faster response to customer demands.

This is possible because WhatsApp for businesses has a quick reply feature that can be programmed to answer common questions automatically. 

It avoids backlog of messages and slowdown caused by time spent answering simple questions.

In addition, WhatsApp for businesses can be integrated with other systems and tools, such as CRM, ERP, chatbot, email, and SMS. It allows companies to centralize and synchronize business information and processes and create tickets and contact reports.

  1. Improved service metrics

Another advantage of integrating WhatsApp for businesses with customer service systems is the automatic generation of metrics and reports. With these documents, companies can analyze service performance, customer satisfaction, identify trends, evaluate service efficiency, and define strategies to improve customer service.

With Milvus, companies can use advanced reports to track service performance indicators such as average response time, first contact resolution rate, and customer satisfaction. In addition, artificial intelligence solutions integrated into the system help optimize response times and the quality of solutions offered.

  1. Personalized and consistent communication

WhatsApp service system also allows companies to create automatic responses, set service hours, and personalize messages according to customer profile, promoting friendly and humanized interactions.

Milvus, for example, uses advanced AI resources to personalize reply messages according to customer profile and history. It improves customer perception of the brand, showing that it is a professional and committed service. 

As a result, using WhatsApp for businesses can strengthen the company’s reputation as a serious organization focused on customer service.

Main differences between WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Business API 

WhatsApp Business is a version of this communication tool that allows independent professionals and companies with a low volume of messages to create official profiles. It can only be used by one person who can set up automatic messages, such as working hours. However, customer queries must be answered one by one.

WhatsApp Business API is designed for larger companies with a high flow of messages. Aiming to optimize processes and scale customer service, it allows automation using artificial intelligence (AI) and multiple agents sharing a single number.

Centralize all customer requests on Milvus

A WhatsApp service system is an important tool for companies and entrepreneurs that want to improve communication with customers and optimize processes. 

Milvus integration with WhatsApp system enables:

  • Fast communication: answer your customers in real time via WhatsApp chat.
  • Ticket creation via WhatsApp: create tickets directly on WhatsApp for fast and effective communication.

With Milvus, you have a comprehensive solution to centralize and optimize customer service via WhatsApp as well as advanced tools to manage, analyze, and continuously improve your support operations. 

This way, your company can consolidate all interactions in one place and raise the level of service. Invest in the best experience for your customers and transform your service with Milvus today. Get in touch now for a free trial.


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