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Customer support via email: avoid mistakes and improve your service!

Customer support via email is still a very common routine in companies, especially in organizations that have not adopted methods for faster contact, like WhatsApp Business or social media.

However, although writing a service email seems a simple task, many mistakes may happen, leading to a strained relationship with your customer.

This article shows how to write a proper support email and important mistakes to avoid. It will address the following topics:

Enjoy your reading!

What is customer support via email?

Customer support via email is a routine task, but it requires attention.

Regardless of your company’s business sector, customers often need service or support, either before purchase or after sales.

If you work in the IT sector, then support is even more frequent; for instance, users contact the support staff when they are unable to access a system, when they have information security issues, when a server is unavailable, or for software update and computer maintenance.

Even if you are not an IT consultant or outsourced IT employee, but you work in a customer department in another company, customer support via email will be part of your routine.

To ensure good support service, your team should provide clear answers to customers, eliminate doubts, and avoid common but harmful mistakes.

Advantages and disadvantages of customer support via email

As discussed above, several channels are available for the contact between customers and companies. Then why is email still a widely used tool?

Having support records via email is a positive aspect for the company and for the department, allowing a history for internal and future reference.

Support via email is still an important method to provide customer service, so we list below some advantages and disadvantages of this channel.


You already use WhatsApp Business, social media, and other channels with even faster and more direct contact than email, right? That’s great! However, you’ve seen that some customers still prefer to contact your company via email.

That’s because it’s an easy channel for many professionals. Imagine you are at work and need to send a support request to the IT team. The email screen is already open in front of you, and you can’t access social media using your company’s browser. Email is an easy and fast tool.

Also, support via email has some advantages for the company: 


Among the email disadvantages, we can mention bureaucracy and formality. If your company has a more human profile, acting close and connected to your customers, interpreting an email text may be a challenge.

In addition, people receive countless emails every day, including useful information, work-related topics, but also spams and advertisements of different types.

Your response email may be lost among these messages, which can delay an answer or end up unnoticed by the customer.

Another important aspect – and we’ll talk more about it later – is that your email may not be clear enough, or you may forget to include essential information.

There’s nothing worse than a huge trail of emails to solve a simple problem. Sometimes sending audio via WhatsApp or making a phone call is more effective.

How to provide good customer support via email

Clear language, personality, and language check are some important tips for good customer support via email.

Customer support via email is still widely used and very important for companies operating in different sectors. If you’re in the IT business, you probably receive many daily emails from users who need help.

However, although writing a service email seems a simple task, it requires more attention than you might think. For this reason, we offer 10 tips below that will help you provide good support via email, reinforcing the positive image of your business.

#1 Use greetings and address your customer/user by his/her name

Email is a method of personal communication between two persons. Even if you speak on behalf of a company, you should write a unique email acting close and connected to your customers.

Always say ‘Hello’ or ‘Good morning/afternoon’ (or even ‘Hi,’ if it matches your company’s language profile), and call the other person by his/her name. Be friendly – it shows that you’re interested in learning more about your customer and that you’re answering specifically to this person.

#2 Emotions matter

Who never wrote an angry email or read an email in anger? Sometimes the tone of the message shows your customer’s frustration.

In these cases, don’t get carried away by your emotions. Be careful when answering an email, show empathy, and avoid discussion that may become offensive.

#3 Attention to canned responses

One of the worst things for a customer is to read an email response that looks like it was sent by a robot. Customers have support needs and want to be answered individually and be sure they are understood.

Then, although canned responses significantly facilitate daily routines, they should not be overused – use them with care.

#4 Always review your text

Wrong spelling, grammar mistakes or failure to attach a file can create a negative image for you and your company.

So, before clicking the send button, review your text. Be sure links are functional and attachments have been added.

#5 Use personality and be friendly

You are not a robot. It’s ok to show some personality and friendliness. Depending on the tone, you can even use emojis.

It’s important to give a personal touch to your email, so your customer knows that he/she is talking to a real person.

#6 Help the customer understand the situation

Just like yours, the customer’s time is also precious. Do not leave room for doubt. Add screenshots, highlight important parts (using bold words, for example), and use simple, coherent, and cohesive language.

Also, avoid sending too many attachments. It’s ok to send few files, but if you have to send many files, use the compacted format (.zip).

#7 Anticipate possible doubts

Don’t stick to the questions your customer has asked. Understand the objective behind that email and anticipate possible doubts, explaining these issues before they are questioned.

#8 Avoid technical terms

Don’t assume the customer knows all technical terms you use. Try to use words and acronyms your customer will understand. This way, you simplify the language and improve your customer’s understanding.

#9 Standardize headers and footers

Of course, the message should be customized with your personality. But it’s still a professional email.

So, use standard headers and footers, with your company’s identification and type of email. You can have different headers for different issues – support, commercial, purchase…

Don’t use too many pictures; they may not visible for your customer or cover relevant space of the message, making it difficult to read what really matters.

#10 Don’t be too direct

That is, don’t be too short. If your customer asks a question, don’t answer with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ only. Try to detail your answer, making yourself clear.

Also, try to insert the original message in your answer; it helps your customer understand the context of your answer.

Mistakes to avoid in customer support via email

Customer support via email should be answered quickly.

You’ve seen above 10 tips for writing a proper email and improving your email service. Now, see below 7 mistakes that should be taken seriously and avoided at all costs. Otherwise, your support team may lose credibility and you may end up losing the customer.

#1 Failure to personalize the email

An email that hasn’t been properly reviewed or that lacks information looks unprofessional. If you have a template for support emails, don’t forget to personalize it with the customer’s name, for example.

#2 You take too long to answer

An email isn’t as quick as a phone call, but that doesn’t mean you can leave that message unanswered in your inbox for many days.

As an IT company or department, you have probably defined SLA standards that must be respected, including the email response time. If you haven’t already done that, you should do it now!

You can also facilitate the process by implementing a helpdesk service that automates tasks, integrating email requests into a ticket system. Want to know more? Contact Milvus! 

#3 Your answer is not complete

Another aspect that deserves attention, and which we have already mentioned above, is to fully answer your customer’s requests, including questions he/she hasn’t asked yet.

Consider the whole scenario and anticipate needs or doubts. 

#4 Forward information from others to your customer

Sometimes you may need to involve other professionals to resolve a customer’s issue and you forward the answer you received from your colleague to the customer – is that right or wrong?

Wrong! You may end up showing your manager’s email address, so your customer may start sending messages directly to this person, or you may even disclose company information that should not be disseminated to third parties.

For these reasons, you must review your email before you send it, copying only the essential information from your colleague and removing other data that should not be disclosed to customers.

#5 Attention to ‘reply all,’ ‘carbon copy (CC),’ and ‘blind carbon copy (BCC)’ functions

These functions can create serious problems for companies, as you can accidentally send a message to someone who should not receive it.

Also, be careful with the recipients you select. Can you imagine sending an internal email complaining about a customer, and accidentally including the customer among the recipients? By the way, don’t send emails criticizing other people!

#6 Failure to review your email

We’ve already talked a little about this topic, but it’s worth repeating: sending an email with wrong spelling, grammar mistakes or incomplete message is a terrible mistake that can affect the image of your company and your own image.

#7 Failure to request an email read receipt

This is not exactly a mistake, but it can cause problems. If you responded to a support request and did not request an email read receipt (or another tool that notifies you when your email has been read), your customer can say that he hasn’t received your feedback.

Then it will be your word against his word, right? After all, errors in sending emails happen all the time.

Other customer support channels

Email is just one of several channels that can be used for effective customer support; for example: telephone, WhatsApp Business, messaging on social media, apps, etc.

If you have an effective IT management system, you can manage tickets from all channels and display all demands organized in a single system. It’s wonderful, isn’t it?

Milvus is a platform for ticket management, inventory management, and much more. With Milvus platform, you can manage customer tickets from several support channels, including:

Try Milvus platform for free and learn how it can change your routine!


Improve your customer support service via email with an IT system.

Customer support via email is a task that involves many professionals, with attention to email language and esthetics to ensure a good impression and avoid misunderstandings.

Also, you can use an intelligent IT system like Milvus to manage tickets from various channels. Learn about Milvus and how it can help your customer service.

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