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Five advantages of Milvus Inventory Management Platform

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Using a software tool to manage inventory is a very interesting alternative for companies with large inventories, especially because it makes the workflow more efficient and less susceptible to errors and human failures.

This type of system is quite common in industries, but it can be very useful also in various sectors. For example, IT companies can also increase productivity and assertiveness when using technology to manage their inventory.

For this reason, Milvus, the largest platform for this type of service in Brazil and present in eight countries, makes inventories more intelligent and precise.

In this article, you will learn about five main advantages of adopting this management tool, and about the topics below:

What is inventory management?

In common industries, inventory management helps companies identify which and how much of a given product should be produced and the right moment to do that. 

This system tracks inventory from the purchase of goods to the sale of products. It identifies data to ensure the inventory has enough products to meet customer orders and properly warn of shortages.

In the IT world, the same process is performed to control the machines and devices used in a company. It can be done using manual inventory spreadsheets or a software tool, like Milvus, which optimizes this process, making it more intelligent.

IT management is also crucial for the health of a company, as it helps prevent problems that would take a long time to be resolved or that are not foreseen, such as when a machine breaks down.

With Milvus app, you can have real-time control of every device, ensuring faster support service as well.

Benefits of inventory management

See below five main advantages of using a software tool to manage the inventory of your devices:

  1. Better control

With an inventory management system like Milvus, you have more precise control of your devices that require support or maintenance, or that will soon have problems.

It significantly increases team productivity by eliminating manual work. Also, when a machine fault is foreseen, measures can be taken to avoid problems like data loss or production issues.

  1. Improved delivery

With devices always updated and tracked, work deliveries are also improved, as you and your team will be able to better distribute time among other types of tasks, ensuring customer deadlines will be met.

  1. More precise planning and forecasting

This type of software will help you improve demand forecasting by analyzing data trends from well-performing actions. It minimizes your maintenance and handling costs, improves revenues, and facilitates cash flows. Also, with planning and forecasting, you can better meet your customer’s expectations.

  1. More detailed information

With a system managing the inventory of machines from one place, the information is more detailed and accurate than when this is done manually. This way, it ensures you won’t lose any data.

  1. Time saving

The time you and your team will save with an inventory management software tool is among the most interesting advantages of this system. Without having to perform careful monitoring, you can focus on promoting other types of improvements to the company while still performing exceptional work.

Learn about the largest inventory management platform in Brazil

The Milvus platform has been available since 2016, present in eight countries:

With Milvus, your company can get rid of the inventory tables of machines and devices once and for all, concentrating all information from computers, tablets, and cell phones in only one place! Also, checking everything that is installed in each device and predicting problems are also part of the service offered by Milvus.

It seems almost impossible, doesn’t it? But it’s not! Through remote access, you can respond to incidents without having to travel to your customer’s facilities. With Milvus, you have:

Also, Milvus offers other benefits that help increase your customer satisfaction.

Take a free trial of the Milvus platform and start increasing your team productivity and improving your service delivery!

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