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How to use Milvus platform for your network inventory

Network inventory is a continuous management of all assets and resources of an IT infrastructure. It helps monitor the hardware and software status and managers can use it to measure the impact of any infrastructure changes and plan changes more efficiently.

In this article, you will see how the Milvus platform can help you perform this task more accurately and faster.

What is Intelligent Inventory?

Milvus intelligent inventory module offers automated organization and management of the company’s assets and resources. It helps you:

This is an exclusive Milvus service, just like its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implementation tool.

Milvus intelligent inventory tool includes the following features:

Device monitoring

With device monitoring, you can track the main resources of machines in real time, such as CPU, temperature, memory, and antivirus. The interface is fast and intuitive, allowing you to easily view the history of all actions performed for every device.

Remote access

With remote access, the support team solves issues without having to travel to the customer. It saves time and increases your team productivity. The Milvus platform issues request warnings, allows you to connect to multiple devices at the same time and transfer files, and store the history of everything that has been performed.

Vulnerability management

To help your adjust your business to GDPR standards, the Milvus platform automatically monitors vulnerabilities and issues warnings whenever a device is at risk. In addition to antivirus monitoring, it manages licenses and allows you to block the use of removable media.

Warning levels can be customized and the platform dashboard informs in real time the number of vulnerable devices.

Network topology

Milvus users are also able to graphically view the customer’s network topology. Then, it is easier to understand which devices are on the network and how they associate with each other.

Software inventory

With the software inventory tool, you can map all software solutions installed on every machine, check if they are safe, and see if users have installed any tools without IT team monitoring.

Benefits of Intelligent Inventory

The intelligent inventory resource of the Milvus platform is a fantastic enabler of IT management activities. The benefits for your business include:

Optimized control

Monitoring features allow your team to quickly identify devices that require maintenance, so preventive measures can be performed to avoid undesirable events.

Fast and safe deliveries

With all information available in a few clicks, services are faster and it is easier to meet the deadlines promised to customers.

Planning improvements

Predictability makes all the difference, and that’s where intelligent inventory can help you improve demand analysis and allocate resources more efficiently. As a result, maintenance and handling costs are reduced, optimizing your business cash flow.

Time saving

With easy real-time monitoring, your team saves time, leading to significant productivity gains.

Learn more about Milvus

At Milvus, our purpose is to promote innovation by facilitating the management of IT processes in companies. For this reason, we have developed solutions to speed up customer service in the help desk and service desk areas. The challenge is to offer all tools in a single and intuitive platform.

The Milvus platform is an omnichannel solution that can provide customer service through multiple devices or systems:

In addition, it adopts the best practices of the ITIL methodology and ensures more flexibility in routine work, thanks to access via web and app.

Want to learn more about network inventory using Milvus resources? Request a free demo of the Milvus platform and see how to increase your team performance and productivity!

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