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Incident management – how to make sure no ticket is forgotten

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The IT administrator of any company is the person that all employees look for when they need to solve IT problems of any type.

herefore, IT administrators are busy all day analyzing and resolving every ticket proactively and efficiently, but all they need is a more effective incident management system.

Even if you do your best, some tickets may end up forgotten. And in a complex system like this, forgetting something may become frequent.

Forgotten tickets are a serious thing because one neglected ticket can destroy everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

Excellent incident management is no longer out of reach. With some automated processes, a little motivation, and an easy-to-use interface, you can manage your incidents efficiently and quickly.

Here are five things to consider for your incident management process:

  1. Adopt an easily accessible system

Maybe that sounds too simple, but it’s an important aspect you should always consider. At the end of the day, if end users can’t easily make requests, the system quality and customer satisfaction will be reduced.

Make sure users can submit their requests through multiple channels, including email, phone, or directly through the service desk software you use. Set your system notification based on how often you want to receive alerts. Setting a system notification to alert you or your team whenever a ticket is received will ensure you never miss it.

  1. Delegate and control your tickets

Use automated systems to your advantage. Several tickets are forgotten because they are incorrectly assigned. By configuring preset parameters that send a ticket to the right analyst, you can stop wasting time and prevent tickets from remaining unanswered for a long time. If you think that ‘two heads are better than one,’ have another analyst help you. Most importantly, set deadlines for ticket resolution and reminders to alert you if you are behindhand.

  1. Inform the solution you’ve adopted

You’ll often receive tickets about issues that may be related to others. Grouping similar problems and incidents can help save your time and speed up the work of your colleagues. If you have found an incident that is similar to a previous one, group them together and add a note saying how you have resolved it. You can create a repertoire of solutions that other analysts can check when they find similar problems. These solutions can also be visible to your end users, who can find solutions for the problems they are having. This type of ticket resolution can become very productive in customer support.

  1. Keep your users well-informed

Customer service can become very exhausting with so many requests, for example, when all wi-fi routers stop working and you’re solving 35 requests about the same problem and it’s not even lunch time.

How many times does a person have to type “try disconnecting and reconnecting” for identical tickets? You should be able to send the same reply without the tedious copy-and-paste process. The easiest way to do that is to create predefined replies that can be sent with just one click, which will also help you save time.

As soon as you receive a ticket, email automation can inform your customer the reported issue is already being analyzed by an expert, or even send reminders to customers who forgot to reply to the support team. Make sure your customers answer the satisfaction survey after ticket resolution, so you can have their opinion and improve your service.

  1. Encourage your analysts

Here’s the truth about incident management… Even if you’ve worked all day, you have no idea if you’re doing a good job and making a difference due to the high number of incidents and complaints. All tickets you receive require instant resolution as customers can never wait. It’s very easy to lose enthusiasm and fall into monotony, which contributes to more forgotten tickets. Add some fun to the routine by celebrating and rewarding your analysts for their work. For instance, assign scores to analysts for successfully resolved tickets, fast reply, for eliminating backlogs or receiving positive feedback in the satisfaction survey. When every ticket means a potential high position in the ranking, you will see your analysts putting a lot of effort into ticket resolution.

Every customer who makes a request wants issues to be properly heard and resolved. No ticket should be forgotten and the best way to prevent that is with an efficient incident management system.

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