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Common IT project management challenges and how to overcome them

IT project management

IT project management is essential for companies that seek to achieve desired results, as it provides comprehensive control of processes and activities to be performed.

This article explains the importance of IT project management, as well as some related challenges and how to address them, so continue reading to find the answers to your questions! 

What is it project management?

IT project management is a strategy for organizing, planning, delivering, monitoring, and reporting tasks, ensuring that IT projects meet customer needs and expectations.

It uses principles, techniques, tools, and methodologies that enable projects to be delivered on time and within budget, meeting the requirements to achieve the goals. 

How important is project management for the it department?

Project management ensures demands are fulfilled according to the company’s strategy and work flows are properly performed within schedule.

It enables the definition of productivity and efficiency metrics and indicators to track all activities, anticipating delays and supporting the development of prevention actions. Therefore, IT project management is a critical strategy to increase the quality of service and bring positive results.

Also, project management:

Read more on blog: Top project management platforms

Common challenges in it project management

IT project management offers useful practices for the company’s daily operations. However, the strategy also involves some challenges that should be addressed to ensure a successful process. 

1. Planning and scope

IT companies have customers operating in different segments. As a result, they need to handle specific requirements, demands, and delivery schedules, which can cause a number of errors and problems. 

Therefore, whether due to overload or poor organization, the absence of well-structured planning and scope results in inaccurate data to monitor project progress, causing imprecise estimation of costs and failure to anticipate risks.

2. Time and resource management

Another major challenge in IT project management is that tight deadlines and resources can result in poorly written code and inadequate testing, as well as system failures and inefficient security measures.

3. Clear and effective communication

Communication failures in an IT project can cause several problems, such as loss of information and documents, missed deadlines, wasted funds, among others. Therefore, one of the challenges of the strategy is to keep project information accessible, secure, and open to collaboration.

4. Risk mitigation and quality assurance

Finally, the failure to identify risks throughout the project can cause budget problems, missed deadlines, and deviations from objectives, with an impact on the product or service quality.

How to improve it project management?

IT project management must identify the essential factors and activities of the project and adapt its reality to the needs and expectations of customers, aligning activities with deadlines and development time.

Improvements in IT project management require some steps, as described below: 

Clear definition of scope

Scope refers to setting project objectives, schedules, people in charge of every activity, and priorities. Therefore, to ensure successful projects, it’s important to understand that the scope guides the entire project, but must be open to alterations and adjustments.

Realistic and structured planning

Planning must define the tasks that have to be performed, the time needed to conduct every activity (schedules), and who will take care of each demand. A good suggestion is to develop a daily and/or weekly planning and a long-term planning.

Rigorous change management

Problems and unforeseen events can happen at any time. For this reason, planning must consider some extra time to address adverse situations that may arise along the way.

Therefore, develop the technical and behavioral skills of your team, so they are able to handle changes in scope, schedule or requirements and ensure fast responses.

Comprehensive communication plan

A successful IT project depends on effective communication and ongoing collaboration among team members. Therefore, select the communication channels that should be used by everyone involved in the project, such as regular meetings, emails, and chats.

Also, it’s important to update employees on the project progress and changes to the schedule and budget. Also, encourage your team to exchange ideas and promote joint problem solving.

Proactive change management

Train your team to analyze the risks that arise throughout the project. This way, your team will be prepared to offer a quick and efficient response to challenges, placing the company ahead of the competition.

Transparent communication with stakeholders

Another suggestion to improve IT project management is to always keep schedules updated, sharing information with everyone involved in the project so that they are aware of new deadlines and activities they must perform.

Accurate time and resource estimation

Set deadlines that you can meet and divide large tasks into small activities so the project can be completed within the given time frame. Also, ensure that cost control observes the scope and always adopt changes that add value to business. 

Continuous progress monitoring

IT project monitoring is important because it compares progress using predefined indicators, ensuring the project stays on track. Monitoring also enables the identification of problems, which increases project transparency and efficiency.

Strategic resource allocation

Resource allocation must consider the strategic distribution of financial, human, material, and technological resources in order to optimize process performance and efficiency and ensure proper use of such resources for successful deliveries.

Risk identification and analysis

Many risks can be identified and avoided in advance. For this reason, a risk analysis is essential to ensure the viability of IT projects. It helps identify potential risks, assess risk impact and probability, develop mitigation strategies, and adjust these strategies as required.

Rigorous quality control

In order to meet and exceed customer expectations, it’s important to monitor, assess, and improve your project, which will ensure process optimization, increase operational efficiency, and drive product and service excellence.

Comprehensive testing and detailed documentation

Testing and documentation for all project stages are essential to ensure quality throughout project lifecycle. Detailed documentation provides a better understanding of project tasks and identifies what has to be improved to deliver the ideal product, while testing allows teams to reduce system errors and optimize processes.

How Milvus can help your project management 

Milvus is a comprehensive software solution for project, task, and team management, offering features for several tasks, from planning to final project delivery.

Milvus offers integration of ticket management and project management, so your company can use existing human resources, without requiring new training, and start receiving project demands as if they were tickets.

This way, by centralizing information and requests on Milvus platform, it facilitates monitoring and communication between teams, increasing the efficiency of problem solving and project management.

This is possible because Milvus allows teams to track project progress clearly and dynamically through Gantt or Kanban charts, visualizing the status of every stage, with project control in your hands.


Investing in modern tools and software solutions is an excellent strategy to make IT project management more efficient. These technologies offer advanced features that speed up tasks, improve precision, and boost productivity.

With project management software like Milvus, your team is well informed and can have a global view of the project, planning each step in detail.

To learn more about IT project management, try our tool for free or request a demo to our experts! Contact Milvus right now.

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