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Network Scanner

Information security is very important for companies, regardless of their size or segment. 

Several software solutions have been developed to track and identify connected devices, including computers, printers, smartphones, and other shared resources, which may be using the company’s protected network.

Then, in this article, we’ll provide the following information:

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What is a Network Discovery ?

In a few words, a Network Discovery is a software application that identifies devices connected to a company’s network, such as computers, printers, and smartphones. 

It is a critical tool to ensure unauthorized people will not remain connected to the network.

Then, after installing this software, the Network Discovery can be used to identify all devices connected to a certain network.

Several software solutions offer this service, each one with specific resources. 

We’ll discuss about the main software programs later.

What is a Network Discovery used for?

A Network Discovery is used by a company’s IT department to identify all devices connected to the company’s network.

Depending on the software, other features are provided, such as permission to access FTP servers, remote control of computers, access to hidden folders, among others.

A Network Discovery is an important tool as it helps the IT department manage its assets. The main purposes of a Network Discovery are:

Identify IPs connected to the network

A Network Discovery is mainly used to identify all IPs connected to the company’s network.

Then, through the IP address, the IT staff can obtain information about the connected device and even access it or turn it off remotely.

Find routers connected to the network

Through the IP address, it is possible to identify all devices connected to the network, including routers.

Then, the registration of new devices can be controlled, so that unregistered devices are prevented from accessing information without authorization.

Find Mac computers connected to the network

Not all software programs can find IPs of Apple computers connected to a network.

One of the most common programs used for this purpose is Advanced IP Scanner. We’ll talk about it later.

The best Network Discovery scans

If your IT still has no automation system, you can use an open source Network Discovery to keep costs down.

There are free, safe and functional options of Network Discovery scans. However, they also offer some disadvantages, such as no integration with other required functionalities.

For this reason, we recommend an intelligent automated asset management, such as the Milvus Asset Management system.

The main features of a comprehensive asset management system include:

In addition, IoT (Internet of Things) systems allow comprehensive asset management, including:

What is Advanced IP Scanner?

Advanced IP Scanner is one of the most popular network scanning software solutions on the market today.

It is free and safe, scans all devices, provides access to shared folders and FTP servers, and allows remote access and shutdown of terminals.

With over 45 million users worldwide, Advanced IP Scanner also identifies IPs of Apple computers, exports CSV files, and requires no installation.

However, it doesn’t allow data integration. But, if your IT structure is small, it can be a useful solution.

If you need a broader managerial view of your IT, we recommend a system that offers full resources to actually optimize your team’s tasks.

Why it is important to have a Network Discovery program

Mapping all devices connected to the network is important for the IT department to have control over its assets. In addition, it ensures safe access of registered or authorized people and machines to files available on the network.

A Network Discovery helps increase productivity as it allows remote management, and identifies – and even turns off – strange devices.

Information security is an essential aspect for a company’s competitive differentiation and has been more and more present in operational discussions.

It’s important for the IT department to control all devices used across the company. It ensures the necessary access and permissions, without exposing critical data to unauthorized persons.

A Network Discovery is a simple easy-to-use tool. It provides a quick view of all IPs connected to the network.

With the identification of routers or other unregistered devices, the company’s IT department can collect information and even shut these devices down, protecting business interests.

Other IT security and management tools

In addition to a network scanner, several other tools can optimize the activities of your IT team.

A help desk system, for example, allows you to automate ticket management and improve the quality of service.

The Milvus platform offers full intelligent management, improving productivity and quality and ensuring cost reduction and better management of assets and demands.

With Milvus, you can increase your IT efficiency, without having to expand your team.

Milvus Network Discovery scans

Milvus uses scanner technology to automatically locate devices among a company’s IT assets, in a quickly and convenient manner.

The platform, which also has functionalities for demand and ticketing management, offers integration of information and data, so you can have access to essential tools for full coverage and security of your company.

If you are a Milvus customer and still don’t use a network scanning tool, check the tutorial below to enable this functionality:

To access the scanner, click CONFIGURAÇÕES (Settings) > PERMISSÕES (Permissions) > select INVENTÁRIO (Assets) > SCANNER > VISUALIZAR SCANNER (View Scanner) > and define who will have access to the scanner > click SALVAR (Save) to validate the changes.

You can use the dashboard of Milvus platform to watch registered and unregistered videos and display records of the last scan, which is automatically performed once a day.

You can also configure Milvus for manual scanning:

It is possible to view the current scan, as well as previous scans and more information or end the operation.

While scanning, Milvus lists all devices that are connected to your network – terminals, servers or any other device.

Click AÇÕES (Actions) to add a device. Add the device information and click SALVAR (Save). The device will be listed with this customer’s assets.

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Network Discovery is a tool that maps all devices connected to a company’s network, ensuring network safety and identifying unauthorized devices.

In addition, depending on the tool, other features such as remote access to computers can be used by the IT team to optimize tasks and avoid unnecessary trips.

With the Milvus platform, the IT department has a Network Discovery system integrated with other essential tools for team productivity.

It facilitates asset management, improves task and time management, and meets SLAs, delivering better service quality.

Want to learn other ways to automate your IT processes? Check the articles below:

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